Nobody Cares About You

If you’ve read my Blog Overview you’ll be aware that I’m very competitive. That competitive streak was one of the main reasons I became interested in self-improvement and productivity. I was frustrated with myself. I was fed up pretending that I was actually doing alright when in reality there were others my age with businesses worth millions. I felt as though I was losing. And I didn’t like losing. 

My biggest problem was (and to some extent still is) not seizing opportunities because I didn’t feel ready. Most of us don’t tackle our goals until we feel certain that we can achieve them. We tell ourselves to wait until we have enough time to fully dedicate ourselves to a new fitness regime or we tell ourselves that we aren’t ready for that new job opportunity.

But you’ll never be ready. Your brain will always give you a reason why you can’t or shouldn’t do something. Ignore it! 

It’s only by doing things you’re afraid to do that you build confidence.

Whilst you’re here I want to briefly touch upon confidence. My previous blog posts have provided some productivity tips and how you can take some steps towards achieving your goals. However, in my view, the most important ingredient for achieving anything, is confidence.

If you take anything away from any of my posts please let it be this: 


Stop worrying about what people will think of you for pursuing what you want to do and stop worrying about failing or what others will think of you if you fail. You only fail if you don't try.

Finally, I want to close this post by letting you know that I was wrong. I wasn't losing. Self-improvement is about yourself. So, focus on yourself! Don't make comparisons with others and recognise that everyone's journey is different. Enjoy yours.


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