Blog Overview

Hello and welcome to my blog! I’m a Business student at Strathclyde University and as part of my Marketing module I’ve been tasked with writing and promoting 5 short blogs. I’ve decided to discuss the topic of productivity and the attainment of goals. It’s an area which deserves to be discussed more thoroughly than I’m permitted to in my assignment, however if my blog is received well, I’m open to continuing it and going into more detail on certain topics! 

I’ve always been told that I’m too competitive (and maybe that’s true) but in my view, I’m simply keen to be the best I possibly can be. Over the past few years I’ve taken an interest in self-improvement. I have developed a fascination with the mind, learning how we can control it and harness it to get the best out of ourselves. I'm certainly not an expert on the topic and I’m still working on some of the things that I’ll discuss, but my hope is that by sharing what I’ve learned, you can benefit too!

So! If you can relate to the Gif below you're in the right place! 


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