An Easy Hack To Build Self-Discipline

If you've read my previous posts, you'll be aware that being productive requires self-discipline. Everyday, we are forced to make lots of choices that determine the speed at which we achieve our goals. But how do you build self-discipline, where do you start and how do you ensure that you remain disciplined throughout the day? 

My recommendation for building self-discipline isn't a pleasant one but it's been effective for me. So here it is - take cold showers every morning. 

I know what you're thinking...

Winston from still game

Before I explain why, we need to understand what self-discipline is - it’s simply a willingness to accept discomfort. This could be in the form of physical discomfort such as a cold shower, or it could be in the form of denying yourself instant gratification so to remain true to your goals.

In either case, your ability to deal with discomfort is a skill which must be built through repeated exposure. It comes back to the famous quote: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence therefore is not an act, but a habit.” The same goes for discipline.  

Self-discipline is an adaptable skill. It can be used to tackle a variety of different situations even if it has been trained in a certain way.

So why cold showers?

Firstly, the act of showering is resistant to excuses. When you set a goal to lose weight, you can always push the diet forward until tomorrow and enjoy a doughnut instead of sticking to salad. In contrast, taking a cold shower leaves no reason for such excuses. You were going to shower anyway, so you’re left with a simple decision. Hot or cold. Comfort or discomfort. 

Secondly, taking a cold shower doesn’t involve taking extra time out of your day. Building the discipline to go a 30-minute run each day is hard! But with showering it’s a simple decision and every time you pick discomfort you’re building a universal mental toughness that can be used in every situation, giving you the ability to stick to your salad rather than scoffing the doughnut.

Give it a try! (The cold showers not the doughnut)

Whilst you're here, if you'd like to become more disciplined with your finances then check out Four Railroads .

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